Managing content on folders and multiple presentations

Mediasite allows you to manage content easily for multiple presentations. You can select individual presentations or an entire folder (and optionally its sub-folders) to manage content.

The following content management tasks can be done against multiple presentations: changing servers, encoding settings, and content, adding and removing media, delivery options (captioning, podcast, video podcast, and publish to go), streams, and live content, adding slide streams, adding new content to streams on a presentation, and adding new content to presentations.

In addition to managing content against multiple presentations, you can also enable slide generation and OCR on individual templates and presentations by updating the associated stream group settings. You can also re-submit OCR detection, slide generation, and other presentation content (MP4, Smooth Streaming, Podcast, Video Podcast, or Captioning) for on-demand presentations.

  You can also manage actions (visibility updates, send to Recycle Bin) against folders and multiple presentations. These features are only available to users with the appropriate permissions. For more information, see Assign permissions to Portal resources.