Before you get started, it is important to understand what types of reports are available and the information they contain. You must have permissions to manage and access reports in the Portal to use reporting.
You can create the following types of reports using Management Portal:
Report Type |
Description |
Presentation Statistics |
Provides data showing how many of your presentations are being watched and by whom during any given period. |
Video Collection Statistics |
Provides viewing statistics for presentations grouped in a catalog. |
User Statistics |
Provides data showing a specific user's (or a group of users) viewing activities over any given period. |
Presenter Statistics |
Provides data showing how many of a presenter's (or a group of presenters) presentations are being watched and by whom. |
Authoring Statistics |
Provides data showing how much content a presenter (or a group of presenters) has created on the Mediasite. |
Download Statistics |
Provides data showing which presentations have been downloaded, how often, and by whom. |
Server Statistics |
Provides data that gives you a snap shot of Mediasite usage during any given period. |
Content Storage |
Provides a snapshot of how much storage space presentations (media, revisions, etc.) are using on Mediasite. You can delete presentations, intermediate content revisions, and archive revisions from a content storage report's results page. |
My Mediasite Storage |
Provides a snapshot of how much storage space is being used by My Mediasite content—media, revisions, etc. in user folders. You can delete presentations, intermediate content revisions, and archive revisions from a My Mediasite content storage report's results page. |
In Management Portal, you will also find a real-time presentation content status report. On this page, you will see the status of transcoding and other jobs for presentations on the server. You will also see a listing of all content types associated with each presentation. You can also re-submit failed jobs on this page.
In addition to the reports described above, there are two real-time reports available:
What’s Being Watched: Tracks in real-time which presentations are currently being watched on your Mediasite. Also allows you to see what platforms (browsers, systems, players, media plug-ins) are being used to view presentations. Click Refresh to update the report.
What’s being watched report
WARNING: Viewing
the What’s Being Watched
report during live events may have an adverse impact on server
You can view specific details about who
is watching a presentation on the Who’s Watching Now report available on its
properties page. This feature is permission based.
For each report type, there are two pre-defined reports, one showing daily statistics and the other showing weekly statistics. For example, for the presentation statistics report, the pre-defined Daily Presentations Statistics report shows statistics for all presentations, folders, presenters, users, and IP addresses for that day.
Click the link for a pre-defined report to view its data, and on its summary page, click Run.
Daily Presentation Statistics Report Details
You can view and edit the settings for
pre-defined reports as well as create new reports based on them.
Below are general descriptions of some of the details you will find when you run a report.
Results summary
For all reports, a results summary is displayed along with graphical information (also can be displayed as a list) containing the report’s data points. The results summary includes the following information:
Report details |
Description |
Total views |
The total number of times the presentations specified in the report were watched (includes live and on-demand views). |
Views (x live views, y on-demand views) |
The number of times the presentations specified in the report were watched live and on-demand. |
Watched (x of y) |
The number of presentations watched out of the total number of presentations included in the report. |
Time |
The total amount of time (h:mm:ss) users spent watching the selected presentations. |
Peak |
The highest number of concurrent views for the presentation. |
Clients (x User, y IP Address) |
The number of unique users who have viewed the presentations. The number of unique IP addresses used to view the presentations. |
Clients (x User, y IP Address, z referrers) |
The number of unique users who have viewed the presentations. The number of unique IP addresses used to view the presentations. The number of unique machines or sites from which users began watching the presentations, for example, when presentations have been embedded or their links shared. This information is in the server statistics reports. |
Watched (x of y presentations, x of y presenters) |
The number of presentations watched out of the total number of presentations included in the report. The number of presenters’ presentations watched out of all presenters included in report. This information is in the presenter statistics reports. |
Presentation, presenter, authoring, and user statistics reports
The data displayed in presentation, presenter, user, and authoring statistics reports depend on the top-level view selected. The top-level views include statistic type (presentation, presenter, and user), date activity, and platform. For example, in a presentation statistics report, the top-level views are:
Presentation (statistic type): Click Presentations to view data for each presentation included in the report. The data can be sorted by attribute (presentation, total views, etc.) as well as in ascending and descending order. The data can be displayed as a bar graph or as a list. Drill down support is available for each item. For example, clicking on a presentation will display its Presentation Summary report.
Sample Presentation Statistics Report (Presentations List View)
Date Activity: Click Date Activity to view graphical data and a grid showing the viewing growth, total number of views, and peak connections for presentations specified in the report. You can view the data by day or month. Mouse-over a point in the graph to see details for a specific data point. For example, when displaying the date activity graph with the Show Views and By Day options selected, you will see the number of views on a particular day.
Presentation Statistics Report (Date Activity View, Viewing Growth)
Platforms: Click Platform to see graphical data showing the total views for each browser, platform, system, player and media plugin supported in Mediasite. You can change the information displayed and the graphical style, using the Show and Style drop-down lists, respectively.
Platforms, bar graph
Summary (presentation, user, and presenter) reports
When you view a report, you can click on a presentation, presenter, or user’s link to view its summary report. The data available will vary by report. Many of the reports contain the same data you will find at the top-level but for the selected item only.
In some reports, there will be additional information (views). For example, in a presentation summary report also includes information about users, IP addresses, and viewing trends in addition to date activity and platforms. For many of these views, you can drill down even further.
Presentation summary report
Below are descriptions of some of the additional reports you may find in summary reports as you drill down for additional data in the presentation summary report.
Shortcuts: Provides viewing statistics for each shortcut created from the target presentation.
Viewing trends: Many of the reports use bar graphs and pie charts to display data but the viewing trends report shows an intensity graph that highlights which parts of presentations were viewed most. Views less than 60 seconds in duration are not displayed in the graph and grid. You can view trends for all users or click on a user in the grid to view their individual session report and gain granular insight into trends.
You can select the display format for the viewing trends data: a multi-colored intensity (heat) graph with different colors representing the amount of views, a monochromatic intensity graph with increasing intensity (deeper color) representing higher number of views, or a linear graph representing the total number of views.
Viewing trends data (Heat)
Users: In this view, you can see which users viewed the presentation, the number of views they had and what percentage of the presentation they viewed. You can sort the information displayed by user, total views, coverage, etc.
Click the link for the user to view the user summary report with date activity, viewing trends and platform views.
Presentation summary report (Users view)
User summary report (Date Activity view)
Each time a user opens a
presentation and clicks the Play button, it is counted as one (1) view. Pausing
and restarting a presentation in the same session is not considered a separate
IP Addresses: In this view, you can see which IP addresses were used to view the presentation, the number of views they had, and the percentage of the presentation viewed. You can sort the information displayed by IP address, total views, coverage, etc.
Click the link for a user to view the IP address summary report with date activity, viewing trends and platform views.
Presentation summary report (IP Addresses view)
IP address summary report (viewing trends view)
Below are definitions for some of the data you may find in your reports:
Report data |
Definition |
Air Date |
Date and time presentation became available for viewing. |
Average Time Watched |
Average total time watched per view. Example: A user opens a presentation and watches the first 30 minutes of a presentation, pauses the video, seeks back to the start and watches for 40 minutes. The user spent a total of 70 minutes watching the presentation (total time watched). If that was the only view for the user, the user’s average time watched would be 70 minutes. If the user logged in again and watched the first 30 minutes again, the average time watched for that user would be 50 minutes, i.e. (70 + 30) / 2 = 50 minutes. |
Browsers |
Browsers (Chrome, IE, Firefox, Safari) used to view presentation (s). Total views shown are the number of time presentation(s) were watched live and on-demand using a particular browser. |
Coverage |
The amount of presentation watched by user(s). Example: A user opens a presentation and watches the first 30 minutes of a presentation, pauses the video, seeks back to the start and watches for 40 minutes. The coverage for this user is 40 minutes. i.e. the user spent a total of 70 minutes watching the presentation (total time watched), but in that time the user only ‘covered’ the first 40 minutes of the presentation. |
Downloads |
Number of downloads over specific time range. |
Download Time |
Date and time download occurred. |
Download Type |
Type of download, MP3 or Publish to Go. |
Duration |
The presentation's length (h:mm:ss). |
End |
End date and time for period over which an activity is being measured (total views, presentations authored, etc.). |
First Authored |
Date and time presenter (s) first created a presentation. |
First Downloaded |
Date and time first download occurred. |
First Watched |
Date and time a presentation was first watched. |
Folder |
Mediasite folder in which presentation is located. |
Hostname |
Name (e.g. or IP address of computer used to view presentation. |
IP Address |
IP address of computer used to view presentation. |
Last Active |
Date and time user last interacted with a presentation (viewed, answered poll, submitted a question, etc.). |
Last Authored |
Date and time presenter (s) last created a presentation. |
Last Downloaded |
Date and time last download occurred. |
Last Watched |
Date and time a presentation was last watched. |
Live Views |
Total number of times presentation (s) was viewed live. Each time a user opens a live presentation and clicks the Play button, it counts as one (1) view. |
Media Plugins |
Media Plugins (Silverlight, Unknown, HTML5) used to view presentation (s). Total views shown are the number of time presentation(s) were watched live and on-demand using a particular media plugin. |
MP3 Downloads |
Total number of MP3 downloads. |
On-Demand Views |
Total number of times presentation (s) was viewed on-demand. Each time a user opens a presentation and clicks the Play button, it counts as one (1) view. Pausing and restarting a presentation in the same session is not considered a separate view. |
Opened |
Date and time user opened presentation for viewing. |
Peak Connections |
The highest number of concurrent views for presentation(s). |
Players |
Players (JavaScript, HTML) used to view presentation (s). Total views shown are the number of time presentation(s) were watched live and on-demand using a particular player. |
Presentations Authored |
The number of presentations created by presenter(s). |
Presentations Available |
Total number of presentations. |
Presentations Downloaded |
Total number of presentations for which a Publish to Go or MP3 download was done. |
Presentation Source |
The source of presentation’s content—hardware recorder, desktop recorder, media upload. |
Presentation Title |
Title of presentation included in report. |
Presentations Watched |
Total number of presentations watched. |
Presenter |
The presenter that authored or is featured in presentation. |
Presenters Available |
Total number of presenters included in report. |
Publish to Go Downloads |
Total number of Publish to Go downloads. |
Referrer |
Method by which a presentation was accessed, server name or a direct link. |
Session Type |
How user viewed a presentation, live or on-demand. |
Shortcuts Authored |
The number of presentation shortcuts created by presenter(s). |
Shortcut Title |
Title of shortcut included in report. |
Start |
Start date and time for period over which an activity is being measured (total views, presentations authored, etc.). |
Systems |
Systems (Windows, Mac OS X, iPad, etc.) used to view presentation(s). Total views shown are the number of time presentation(s) were watched live and on-demand using a particular system. |
Time Watched (h:mm:ss) |
The amount of time a user watched a presentation. If a user goes back and forth in a presentation, the time watched can be longer than the presentation. Example: A user opens a presentation and watches the first 30 minutes of a presentation, pauses the video, seeks back to the start and watches for 40 minutes. The total time user spent watching the presentation is 70 minutes. |
Total Authored |
The total number of presentations created by presenter (s). |
Total Content |
The amount (h:mm:ss) of content created by or featuring presenter(s). |
Total Downloads |
Total number of Publish to Go and MP3 downloads. |
Total IP Addresses |
The total number of unique IP addresses used to watch presentation(s). |
Total Presentations |
Total number of presentations included in report. |
Total Presenters |
Total number of presenters included in report. |
Total Referrers |
Total number of ways presentations were accessed, server name or direct link. |
Total Time Watched |
The total amount of time (h:mm:ss) users spent watching the selected presentations. |
Total Users |
The total number of unique users who watched presentation(s). |
Total Views |
The total number of times the presentations specified in the report were watched (includes live and on-demand views). Each time a user opens a presentation and clicks the Play button, it is counted as one (1) view. Pausing and restarting a presentation in the same session is not considered a separate view. |
Username |
Mediasite username used to view a presentation. |
% Watched |
The amount of presentation watched by user(s) in percentage. Example: A user opens a presentation and watches the first 30 minutes of a 60-minute presentation, pauses the video, seeks back to the start and watches for 40 minutes. The total time watched is 40 minutes so the percentage watched is 67%. |