Getting started

Software version: Mediasite 7.6

Mediasite Video Platform automates the capture, management, delivery, and search of live and on-demand videos and content. You will use Management Portal to create and manage content and set up workflows that allow your users to create, aggregate, publish, and share their content and interact with their audience.

Using this guide

Mediasite Content Manager Guide is for users who will be preparing, recording, and publishing presentations as well as generating reports.

This user guide provides an overview of the Mediasite Video Platform, outlines the workflow for preparing, recording, publishing, and viewing presentations, and discusses how to manage presentations using the Mediasite management applications.


All Management Portal users, at minimum, should have experience using web-based applications.


The following conventions are used throughout the guide to indicate important information that you should read and understand to use Mediasite effectively:



UI Text

This font indicates user interface elements as they appear in Mediasite applications. 

Notes with this symbol include cross-references to resources that will provide additional information and/or instructions.

Notes with this symbol provide tips that will help you further understand or use the feature being discussed.

Notes with this heading provide information and warnings that will help you to avoid losing content or breaking your system.