Adding captions to presentations

Closed captions provide text descriptions of the audio for audience members who cannot hear the audio (or hear it well). You can add closed captions to an on-demand presentation by creating closed caption files and uploading them to the presentation. You can create caption files yourself using Caption Editor, third-party captioning software, or a captioning service. Your audience can turn on the caption features and view the captions in the player.

Your audience can also search closed caption text in players and video collections for specific words and phrases. All presentations with closed captions will have a “Captions” label.

 If these features are not available in your system, contact your Mediasite administrator.

 When you edit a presentation containing captions, cuts are applied to the video and the corresponding captions to ensure they remain in sync. You can make additional updates to the captions in the edited video using Caption Editor.



Presentation with captions

Searching presentation with captions

Considerations when adding closed captions

When adding captions to a presentation manually or using a captioning service, consider the following:

Mediasite supports Web Video Text Tracks (VTT), Synchronized Accessible Media Interchange (SAMI), SubRip (SRT), and Distribution Format Exchange Profile (DFXP).        However, Sonic Foundry does not provide SAMI, SRT, VTT, or DFXP files or tools for authoring them.

     Mediasite supports DFXP caption files containing multiple languages. However, you can only edit the primary language in Caption Editor. To edit captions in the remaining languages, you must edit the file outside of Mediasite. We strongly recommend editing the presentation prior to creating caption files

     Non-English captions must be saved with UTF-8-character encodings.

     Mediasite supports begin and end times in DXFP so you can specify expiration times, that is, how long captions remain on screen.

     Captions are centered and appear directly below the video window even when player is enlarged.