Reviewing presentations

You can take recorded presentations located on the Mediasite through an iterative content approval workflow before you make them available to an audience. In Mediasite this is called the Review-Edit-Approve (REA) workflow.


REA roles and review states

REA roles

In the REA workflow, users have one of two roles: Approver or Editor. Approvers can comment on, approve, and reject presentation updates. Approvers cannot edit the content. Editors can record or upload content to presentations created in the folder or the individual presentation, but the content does not become generally viewable until an Approver reviews it and marks it approved. If additional changes are made, the presentation will have to be approved again.

Review states

There are three states in the review workflow: Review Required, Changes Required, and Approved.

Review required: The following changes will put a presentation in the “Review Required” state:

     Publishing from the Recorder

     Editing the video

     Uploading video manually

     Adding additional media types

     Enabling podcast

     Enabling video podcast (if available)

     Adding captioning


Changes Required: Denying the changes made to a presentation will change its state from the “Review Required” state to the “Changes Required” state.

Approved: Approving the changes made to a presentation will change its state from the “Review Required” state to the “Approved” state.


Review presentations page

Presentations currently in the review process (Review Required or Changes Required state) are listed on the Publishing > Review Presentations page. When a presentation has changes or approval pending, the version containing the changes is offline. Offline presentations do not appear in search results or video collections for users with only View permissions.

     The content approval feature is typically enabled by the Mediasite administrator. The four-step process for enabling this feature is described in the Mediasite Configuration Guide.