Importing content

Mediasite allows you to upload content created using other tools. You can create on-demand presentations by uploading video files as well as by importing media, including Zoom recordings.

You will use Management Portal to import media for publishing as on-demand presentations.  Presentations published using imported requires setting up an SFTP/FTP drop box location as a bridge between Mediasite and the capture devices. media are placed in Mediasite folders, using the information obtained from templates. You will automate this process by creating media import project that include the template being used and the publishing destination with the SFTP/FTP drop box location and credentials. The third-party system will publish the video files to this location and Mediasite will retrieve them.

Mediasite imports the following metadata along with the video file: title, description, duration, and presenter. The airdate is always set to the date/time of the import.

     When adding a media import project, you can optionally create and select a new template specifically for the project. For instructions on creating presentation templates, see the Mediasite Configuration Guide. By default, media import is not enabled for Mediasite Cloud since it requires an FTP or SFTP site, which Sonic Foundry DOES NOT provide.

Archive media

When the media type being imported or uploaded does not match the media type specified on one of the content servers in a presentation, the media type is managed as “archive media” and transcoded to the format specified on the content servers.

Mediasite supports archive media for uploading and importing of MP4 and Windows Media formats. For example, if a media import project uses a presentation template that has an MP4 content server and a Windows Media file is dropped into the drop box, it will be transcoded to MP4 format. The newly created MP4 file will use the encoding settings specified for the MP4 content server. The Windows Media file is marked as the “archive source” and is not available for use within Mediasite but is maintained as a media file associated with the presentation. Archived media follows the presentation life cycle and Mediasite deletes it when you delete the presentation.

Supported media

You can automatically import the following into Mediasite:

     Matrox Monarch LCS recordings

     Zoom recordings (Cloud―Business, Education, or API Plan)

     Video files (MP4 or Windows Media)

     Recordings exported from Catch (7.6 and earlier)

     Previously exported Mediasite 6.x or 7.0 presentations and publish-to-go packages