Importing OneDrive recordings (Limited availability)

You will use Management Portal to create media import projects that automatically import recordings located in OneDrive for publishing as on-demand presentations. These recordings, which typically come from recorded Teams meetings, are placed in Mediasite folders, using the information obtained from the template. Once in Mediasite these recordings can be played back in Mediasite Player and included in video collections.

 Before you can integrate OneDrive with Mediasite to import recordings, your Microsoft Azure AD administrator must create a non-gallery application in Azure and provide you with the tenant ID, application ID, and secret. You will use these values to add OneDrive import projects. For more information, contact your organization’s IT department.

To add OneDrive import projects in Mediasite:

1.  Click Settings > Media Import > Add New and specify the settings needed to import content into the Mediasite system:



Project Name

Enter a name for the project that will help you easily identify it.


Select OneDrive Import if you will be importing recordings located in OneDrive.

Directory (tenant) ID

Enter the value provided by your Azure AD Administrator

Application (client) ID

Enter the value provided by your Azure AD administrator.

Application (client) Secret

Enter the value provided by your Azure AD administrator.

Default User Folder Name

Enter the name of the folder in OneDrive that will contain recordings that will be imported into Mediasite.

 When users record Teams meeting, the recordings are automatically saved to their Recordings folder so in most systems, you will enter Recordings as the default user folder name.


Presentation Template

Select the template that will be used to create presentations using the imported OneDrive recordings.

Project Startup

Select the radio button that best fits how you want to start the importing process for this project:

     Start the project immediately upon creation: Select this option to start the media importing process once you click Save.

     Do not start the project (manual start): Select this option to start the import process manually by clicking Start.

     Start the project at future time: Select this option to specify the start date and time that the media importing process should begin.


2.  Click Test to verify you can connect to the drop box location using the specified credentials. Click Save.


Add OneDrive media import project, external media settings