Update a presentation’s delivery settings

A presentation’s delivery settings determine the different ways the presentation’s content will be made available to your audience: closed captioning, podcast, or video podcast. You can also replace the system-generated thumbnail as part of these settings.

     Members of your audience must have the appropriate permissions to download podcasts and vodcasts for presentations you are including in channels. These permissions are typically assigned by Mediasite administrators. Contact your Mediasite administrator for more information.

To update a presentation’s delivery settings:

1.  On the presentation’s properties page, click the Edit Details tab.

2.  Scroll down and click on the Delivery tab to update the settings as needed: 



Audio Transcriptions

Select this check box to enable audio transcriptions for on-demand presentations. You can add closed captions to the presentation manually or using a third-party captioning service. Mediasite supports Synchronized Accessible Media Interchange (SAMI), SubRip (SRT), and Distribution Format Exchange Profile (DFXP) files. Closed captions are supported in all player layouts.

Select how you want to add captioning files to the presentation:

     Manually Upload an Audio Caption File: Navigate to the location containing the presentation’s closed captioning file.

     Choose a Provider for Captioning: Select the captioning profile for your provider from the drop-down list. Once the presentation is recorded and published, Mediasite automatically submits the media file to your provider for captioning. Once the closed captioning file is ready, your provider posts it to the presentation.    

     Sonic Foundry does not provide SAMI, SRT, or DFXP files or tools for authoring them. If you are using an automated captioning service, you must already have an existing account with valid credentials.

For more information on adding captions to your presentation once media has been added to it, see Adding captions to presentations or contact your Mediasite administrator for more information.


Select this check box if the presentation will be broadcast live.

  This option may not be enabled for your presentations. Contact your Mediasite administrator for more information.


Select this check box to enable podcasting on the presentation. Select the quality (encoding rate) from the drop-down list.

Once an MP3 file has been generated, you can download it from the Summary page. Users can also download podcasts from channels and catalogs that include the presentation if downloads are enabled.


Select this check box to enable video podcasting. Select a video podcast (vodcast) project from the drop-down list. The Vodcast project will determine which streams are included in the video podcast as well as its look and feel.

Once an MP4 file has been generated, you can download it from the Summary page. Users can also download vodcasts from channels and catalogs that include the presentation if downloads are enabled.

     Video podcasting is only available on systems with the appropriate licenses. Video podcasts can also be published to YouTube if this feature is available on your system. Contact your Mediasite administrator for more information.

Presentation Thumbnail

Select a file to replace the system-generated thumbnail. The thumbnail is displayed along with the presentation’s details in the catalog and other applications.


3.  Make sure to click Save once you have finished your updates. 


Update presentation’s delivery settings


     You can disable any of the delivery settings on a presentation at any time.  However, whenever you disable audio transcriptions on a presentation that already has a closed captioning file, Mediasite deletes it. If you want to replace the deleted file, you must enable this feature again, upload the file manually (if you backed it up to an external location) or resubmit the job to the automated captioning service at an additional cost.