Update a presentation’s general settings

The general settings include visibility, record date, record time, and duration. You can also reset the presentation’s media as part of these settings.

To update a presentation’s general settings:

1.  On the presentation’s properties page, click Edit Details and update the general settings as needed:



Reset Media

Reset a presentation’s media to remove all information associated with it, including video and slides.  

 CAUTION: Resetting a presentation's media cannot be undone and will result in the permanent loss of content.


Specify who can see the presentation:

Private: Only you will be able to view this presentation.

Viewable: You and users with appropriate permissions will be able to view the presentation.

 The visibility settings are automatically updated when you update your presentation’s Who Can View? settings and vice versa. For example, setting your presentation’s visibility to Private is equivalent to selecting Only Me using the Who Can View slider. For more information, see Specify who can view your presentations.


Specify the date and time, including the time zone, the presentation will be recorded. Enter its duration, that is, how long the presentation will last. Selecting a presentation's record date, time, and duration does not limit you to starting and ending the presentation at the specified date and times.


2.  Make sure to click Save once you have finished your updates. 

Update presentation’s general settings (recorded presentation)