Ensure quality of captions when using speech-to-text service

If you are using IBM’s Speech-to-Text service to create captions, there is a confidence level (percentage of words with high confidence) associated with the captions. If the captions meet a minimum confidence level, specified by your Mediasite administrator, the captions will automatically be made available in the Player. If they do not, they will only be available for search. The default confidence level is 85%.

If the captions do not meet the minimum confidence level, you can update them using Caption Editor and make them available in the Player. The confidence level will be timestamped with the date it was applicable to indicate there have been changes made.

If you choose to make captions available that don’t meet the confidence level, you are effectively overriding the minimum confidence level. The confidence level will remain the same, but the green status will indicate that it is not being flagged as a problem.


Captions created from IBM Watson Speech-to-Text service made available in Player