Mediasite Video Platform 7.6 Release Notes


  1. Release History
  2. What's New
  3. Related Information

Release history

Release Release Date
7.6.6 Friday, March 11, 2022
7.6.5 Wednesday, November 10, 2021
7.6.4 Wednesday, July 28, 2021
7.6.3 Thursday, April 8, 2021
7.6.2 Wednesday, March 10, 2021
7.6.1 Friday, January 8, 2021
7.6.0 Thursday, December 3, 2020

What's New

7.6.6 (Friday, March 11, 2022)


Video Platform
Log Number Resolution
MANAGE#589 Fixed the problem in the security service where caching wasn't being used when the Service Root URL was set to an alias.

Supported Configuration (7.6.6)

Installer Version
MVP 7.6.6
Deliver 7.6.2
Directory 7.0.4 Build 1226
Search 7.6.0
OCR 7.6.0 1 2
System Services 7.6.5
System Manager 7.6.2
Transcode 7.6.5
Multi-Format Video Import 7.6.2
Vodcast 7.2.3 Build 3192
Dual Full Motion Video for RL120 (optional) 7.0.4 Build 1226
Live Broadcast Video (optional) 7.0.4 Build 1226
  1. The OCR worker must be installed on Windows Server 2016 or Windows Server 2019.
  2. The OCR worker from 7.4.0 is compatible with MVP 7.6.6.

7.6.5 (Wednesday, November 10, 2021)


Video Platform
Log Number Resolution
ENGAGE#323 Fixed the problem where some filenames included the tilde (~) character.
EVP-3652 Fixed the problem in the system service where the Zoom Transcript Download job was created based only on the Zoom account setting. Now the Zoom user setting is properly used to determine whether a transcript needs to be downloaded.
INSTALL-172 Fixed the problem in the transcode installer where the server would reboot during the installation.
MANAGE#391 Fixed the problem in the fileserver where specifying thumbnail dimensions would require authentication.

Supported Configuration (7.6.5)

Installer Version
MVP 7.6.5
Deliver 7.6.2
Directory 7.0.4 Build 1226
Search 7.6.0
OCR 7.6.0 1 2
System Services 7.6.5
System Manager 7.6.2
Transcode 7.6.5
Multi-Format Video Import 7.6.2
Vodcast 7.2.3 Build 3192
Dual Full Motion Video for RL120 (optional) 7.0.4 Build 1226
Live Broadcast Video (optional) 7.0.4 Build 1226
  1. The OCR worker must be installed on Windows Server 2016 or Windows Server 2019.
  2. The OCR worker from 7.4.0 is compatible with MVP 7.6.5.

7.6.4 (Wednesday, July 28, 2021)


Video Platform
Log Number Resolution
INTEGRATE#80 Fixed the problem in Mediasite Video Platform where audio transcription import would fail when audio transcripts were from a Zoom meeting.

Supported Configuration (7.6.4)

Installer Version
MVP 7.6.3
Deliver 7.6.2
Directory 7.0.4 Build 1226
Search 7.6.0
OCR 7.6.0 1 2
System Services 7.6.4
System Manager 7.6.2
Transcode 7.6.4
Multi-Format Video Import 7.6.2
Vodcast 7.2.3 Build 3192
Dual Full Motion Video for RL120 (optional) 7.0.4 Build 1226
Live Broadcast Video (optional) 7.0.4 Build 1226
  1. The OCR worker must be installed on Windows Server 2016 or Windows Server 2019.
  2. The OCR worker from 7.4.0 is compatible with MVP 7.6.4.

7.6.3 (Thursday, April 8, 2021)


Management Portal
Log Number Resolution
PORTAL-1118 Fixed the problem in Management Portal where several strings were not properly localized.
PORTAL-1139 Fixed the problem in the Management Portal where the Publish panel failed to load for external videos.
My Mediasite
Log Number Resolution
MM-1534 Fixed the problem in My Mediasite where additional permissions were required to edit an external video.
MM-1536 Fixed the problem in My Mediasite where a user without the Create External Video operation could create a new external video presentation.

Supported Configuration (7.6.3)

Installer Version
MVP 7.6.3
Deliver 7.6.2
Directory 7.0.4 Build 1226
Search 7.6.0
OCR 7.6.0 1 2
System Services 7.6.2
System Manager 7.6.2
Transcode 7.6.2
Multi-Format Video Import 7.6.2
Vodcast 7.2.3 Build 3192
Dual Full Motion Video for RL120 (optional) 7.0.4 Build 1226
Live Broadcast Video (optional) 7.0.4 Build 1226
  1. The OCR worker must be installed on Windows Server 2016 or Windows Server 2019.
  2. The OCR worker from 7.4.0 is compatible with MVP 7.6.3.

7.6.2 (Wednesday, March 10, 2021)

New Features

Category Features

Implemented more security best practices in Deliver, specifically removing some HTTP headers in the responses.

Management Portal

Improved the performance of the What's Being Watched page in Management Portal.

Video Platform

Improved the Zoom meeting import process to import the meeting video into Mediasite as soon as it is ready. If Zoom's automatic transcript is enabled for the meeting, the transcript will automatically be retrieved once it is available.

Added a more configurable Zoom integration. Based on customer feedback, Mediasite now integrates with Zoom using OAuth. This type of authorization allows the Zoom administrator to specify the scope of permissions Mediasite integration is granted. Integrating Mediasite with Zoom using OAuth is recommended. Existing JWT integrations can be converted to use OAuth.


Improved the performance of the Roles resource in the WebApi.


Log Number Resolution
CATALOG-113 Fixed the problem in the catalog to channel conversion process that caused the newly converted channels to not launch properly when it had been provisioned for use in a Learning Management System (LMS).
Log Number Resolution
MEDIASRV-192 Fixed the problem in Deliver where missing audio or video at the beginning of an on-demand Smooth Streaming presentation caused playback to fail.
MEDIASRV-198 Fixed the problem in Deliver where live presentations failed to playback following a Recorder reboot.
MEDIASRV-199 Fixed the problem in Deliver where imported fragmented MP4 files failed to play in the Player.
Job Farm
Log Number Resolution
JOBFARM-183 Fixed the problem with Zoom Media Import where the Recording Date was the date/time of import into Mediasite. Now it is correctly the date/time the recording started in Zoom.
JOBFARM-196 Fixed problem in captioning workflow where Verbit API requests were timing out for large files.
JOBFARM-237 Fixed the problem in System Services where Zoom imports would no longer process when there was a significant number of meetings in Zoom.
Log Number Resolution
LOGIN-53 Fixed the problem in Mediasite where the query string in the Login URL could be doubled when automatically redirected to a secure login (https) from an insecure (http) login.
LOGIN-54 Fixed the problem in the Login application where log messages when the NotBefore condition was invalid were confusing.
Management Portal
Log Number Resolution
PORTAL-1025 Fixed the problem in Management Portal where some list views in Analytics could omit a few entries from the end of each page of results when the number of items in the list wasn't a multiple of 15.
PORTAL-1027 Fixed the problem in Management Portal where clicking the sample text in the "Add Content Server" dialog didn't populate the Service URL textbox with a sample URL.
PORTAL-1037 Fixed the problem in Management Portal where the status indicators on the Recorders page could become invisible when the recorder was paused.
PORTAL-1041 Fixed the problem in Management Portal where the buttons and inputs in Settings > Server Settings > Reporting would overlap if the user tried to set up a monthly site usage report.
PORTAL-1044 Fixed the problem in Management Portal where status indicators on the Catch Devices page could become invisible if the Catch device was disconnected.
PORTAL-1053 Fixed the problem in Calendar View where the color of the delete button text was difficult to read.
PORTAL-1055 Fixed the problem in Calendar View where the Add Presentation and Add Schedule Buttons were not styled the same as other buttons.
PORTAL-1060 Fixed the problem in Calendar view where the Delete button was not working
PORTAL-1084 Fixed the problem in Management Portal where the initial save of a template would not persist the audio transcription profile settings.
PORTAL-1085 Fixed the problem in Management Portal where the user was not allowed to merge presenters.
PORTAL-1098 Fixed the problem in the Moderate app where some text could not be localized.
PORTAL-1101 Fixed the problem in Management Portal where a warning about an insecure cookie was displayed.
My Mediasite
Log Number Resolution
MM-1505 Fixed the problem in Mediasite Channels where the Allow Sharing and Embedding option was not being respected when watching a presentation inside the channel.
MM-1526 Fixed the problem in the Quiz application where some file names would exceed the Windows 260 character limit.
System Manager
Log Number Resolution
SYSMGR-27 Fixed the problem in System Manager where navigating to the Mediasite Users folder was not allowed when there were more than 2100 Mediasite user folders.
Video Editor
Log Number Resolution
EDITOR-117 Fixed the problem in the Editor where presentation dates were not visible in the "Save to Existing..." dialog.
EDITOR-122 Fixed the problem in Editor where the Rerun Slide Detection operation would fail.
Video Platform
Log Number Resolution
EVP-3505 Fixed the problem in Mediasite Video Platform where the E. Australia Standard Time was abbreviated incorrectly.
EVP-3550 Fixed the problem in Mediasite Video Platform where search terms would be embedded into a page without being properly escaped to avoid XSS injection.
EVP-3561 Fixed the problem in Mediasite Video Platform where importing a large number of Zoom meetings can cause SQL server performance issues.
Log Number Resolution
WEBAPI-216 Fixed the problem in the WebApi where querying user profiles was timing out on sites with a large number of profiles.

Supported Configuration (7.6.2)

Installer Version
MVP 7.6.2
Deliver 7.6.2
Directory 7.0.4 Build 1226
Search 7.6.0
OCR 7.6.0 1 2
System Services 7.6.2
System Manager 7.6.2
Transcode 7.6.2
Multi-Format Video Import 7.6.2
Vodcast 7.2.3 Build 3192
Dual Full Motion Video for RL120 (optional) 7.0.4 Build 1226
Live Broadcast Video (optional) 7.0.4 Build 1226
  1. The OCR worker must be installed on Windows Server 2016 or Windows Server 2019.
  2. The OCR worker from 7.4.0 is compatible with MVP 7.6.2.

7.6.1 (Friday, January 8, 2021)

New Features

Category Features

Improved the bulk catalog conversion to channels by moving the processing to the job farm. The user will be able to navigate away from the page immediately after submitting the list of catalogs to convert.


Reduced the log noise in Deliver by changing the log level of client disconnections to Informational instead of Error.

Improved the live content ingestion process into Deliver to correct for rounding errors due to the Smooth Streaming timescale.

Management Portal

Moved the processing of the Login Audit Export into an asynchronous job that will update progress back to the page while building the file for download.

Improved the delete menu on folder options in Management Portal to make it clear that the folder is being deleted.

Improved the publishing tab in Management Portal to also include information about the feeds the presentation, or any of its shortcuts, is contained in.

Added protection to the Who's Watching Now dialog to avoid degrading overall system performance. As a general rule, the use of this dialog during a live event should be limited.

Video Platform

Added a new Audio Transcription Template for 3Play Media (Rest API). When using the Automatic Speech Recognition service level, a confidence score will be calculated. The score can be used to determine if the results should be displayed as captions. The confidence score can be found in the Caption Editor.


Log Number Resolution
CATALOG-111 Fixed the problem in catalogs and channels where collections linked to a folder with more than 2100 subfolders would prevent the collection from loading.
Log Number Resolution
MEDIASRV-131 Fixed the problem in Deliver where incorrect Content-Range HTTP headers were being reported when streaming MP4 files.
MEDIASRV-189 Fixed the problem in Deliver where missing audio or video at the beginning of a live stream caused playback to fail.
MEDIASRV-196 Fixed the problem in Deliver where video files containing a text track could not be watched.
Log Number Resolution
INSTALL-112 Fixed the problem in Poll management where the help documentation link was incorrect.
Job Farm
Log Number Resolution
JOBFARM-171 Fixed the problem in the Job Farm where only the first occurrence of a recurring Zoom meeting was being imported by the Zoom Monitor job.
JOBFARM-174 Fixed the problem in the Job Farm where Zoom Import and External Import projects would incorrectly set the presentation viewable status to offline instead of private when the template was set to auto-publish and make private.
Management Portal
Log Number Resolution
PORTAL-769 Fixed the problem in Management Portal where the edit button was visible but did nothing. The button is has been removed.
PORTAL-1029 Fixed the problem in Management Portal where a folder could not be associated with a module when editing a module for new installations of Mediasite.
PORTAL-1048 Fixed the problem in Management Portal where the folder list on the Add Schedule dialog appeared behind some other elements on the page.
PORTAL-1050 Fixed a problem in the Management Portal where date formats were not working correctly on schedule recurrences for browser settings with some non-US date formats.
My Mediasite
Log Number Resolution
MM-1499 Fixed the problem in Caption Editor where hovering over the confidence score always showed the current date instead of the transcription date.
Log Number Resolution
TRANSCODE-156 Fixed the problem in the Job Farm where captions using the Verbit API could not be returned from Verbit.
Video Editor
Log Number Resolution
EDITOR-118 Fixed the problem in the Editor where the "Video Save Jobs" progress bar would not update to show the current progress.
EDITOR-119 Fixed the problem in Video Editor where the watermark feature did not work correctly.

Supported Configuration (7.6.1)

Installer Version
MVP 7.6.1
Deliver 7.6.1
Directory 7.0.4 Build 1226
Seach 7.6.0
OCR 7.6.0 1 2
System Services 7.6.1
System Manager 7.6.1
Transcode 7.6.1
Multi-Format Video Import 7.6.1
Vodcast 7.2.3 Build 3192
Dual Full Motion Video for RL120 (optional) 7.0.4 Build 1226
Live Broadcast Video (optional) 7.0.4 Build 1226
  1. The OCR worker must be installed on Windows Server 2016 or Windows Server 2019.
  2. The OCR worker from 7.4.0 is compatible with MVP 7.6.1.

7.6.0 (Thursday, December 3, 2020)

New Features

Category Features

Updated the Canvas oEmbed workflow to no longer include "url" and "endpoint" parameters as they are no longer necessary after a recent Canvas update.


In anticipation of catalogs being deprecated, added the ability to convert custom and publishing catalogs to channels.


Improved the user experience in Mediasite Channels including:

  • Added a lock icon to identify presentations that are only visible to the owner.
  • Improved the display of comments for channels with registration enabled to show the registered user's name instead of their email address.

Added a Publishing channel type which is available on the presentation publish tab. Presentations can be added and removed from channels using the publishing workflow in Management Portal and My Mediasite. Terms and Conditions can be setup for Publishing channels.

Added optional subfolder navigation to channels linked to a folder. A back button was added as part of the new navigation to help traverse up the folder structure from a presentation.

Improved how the watch list is populated to be more context aware. A hint indicates how the content was selected.


Added the ability to distribute fragmented MP4 files.

Improved scalability for large-scale live broadcasts by supporting conditional requests for live media stream fragments.

Increased the ability to scale by reducing the CPU utilization during live broadcasts.

Improved Deliver logging including:

  • Added request summary to live trace logs.
  • Synchronzing the header fields across trace and segment logs.
  • Prevented extraneous log entries in the trace log.

Added additional Performance Monitor counters to MVP, Deliver, job farm, and Search servers via templates. The counters will to a log file with a capped file size. The Perfmon counters will be enabled by default.

Job Farm

Improved presentation export and import processing to include audio description content if available on presentation.

Added a new Audio Transcription Template for Verbit (Rest API). When using the Automatic Speech Recognition service level, a confidence score will be calculated. The score can be used to determine if the results should be displayed as captions. The confidence score can be found in the Caption Editor.

Updated the optical character recognition library used by Mediasite. This is an initial step in the development of a unified worker.

The OCR worker must be installed on Windows Server 2016 or Windows Server 2019. As of 7.6.0 Windows Server 2012 R2 will not be a supported operating system for the OCR worker. Note, the 7.4.0 version of the OCR worker has been tested with and is compatible with 7.6.0.


Improved the security when logging into Mediasite by only allowing credentials to be sent over an encrypted connection. In the past this was configurable.

Added more diagnostic information to the Authentication Troubleshooting logging related to SAML IdP metadata.


Updated the Blackboard Native LTI integration to use updated endpoints in the Blackboard REST API.

Dramatically simplified quiz result submission to the LMS. Now quiz takers will submit their quiz results to the LMS at the conclusion of their quiz. There will no longer be a need for the grader to find and post the quiz results.

Improved the user experience when Mediasite content is embedded in Canvas, Brightspace, and Moodle (requires the 2020082700 or later version of the Mediasite Content Module for Moodle) to allow full screen playback of content.

Management Portal

Added protection to the What's Being Watched page to avoid degrading overall system performance. As a general rule, the use of this page during a live event should be limited.

Improved Showcase spotlight channel management by displaying the currently selected channel when updating the spotlight channel.

Added protection to the AAC encoding settings to prevent them from be accidentally removed from Mediasite.

Added the ability to configure a default page or route when an unknown application is loaded. This will allow administrators to display a specific content collection or other page when an undefined route is entered.

Improved the paging controls in Management Portal to allow navigation directly to any page in the list of pages. This is similar to the paging controls in My Mediasite.

Improved change detection logic in Management Portal to eliminate extraneous "You will lose any unsaved changes if you navigate away. Continue?" prompts when navigating away from a page when no changes have been made.

Added audits for specific presentation updates including when the media is reset, changes to presentation state or status, content items being added or status updated, and when the current revision is updated.

Improved presentation management to avoid accidentally resetting the media on a live presentation.

Tightened the integration between My Mediasite and Management Portal by including links to the partner application on the presentation summary page. This will help users in Management Portal, for example, who would like to edit quizzes or captions which are available in My Mediasite.

Improved the user experience managing and publishing feeds in Management Portal. Highlights include:

  • Support for popular feed tools/platforms.
  • Simplified management of encoding settings by adding a system encoding setting for podcasts.
  • Added the option to automatically add podcast/vodcast delivery to presentations in the feed.
  • Added additional metadata needed for some podcasting platforms.
  • Added the option to include sub-folders in the feed.
  • Added the ability to review the podcast/vodcast delivery for all the presentations included in the feed.

Enhanced the usefulness of the system message by adding support for marking down the text in the message. The system message displays in My Mediasite and Management Portal.

My Mediasite

Added page-specific titles to My Mediasite, this makes the history under the browser back button much more useful.

Added sorting options to selection dialogs in My Mediasite. For example, when selecting a folder to move a presentation to the user can now sort A-Z, Z-A, newest first, or oldest first.

Improved the usability of lists in My Mediasite by duplicating the paging controls at the bottom of the list.

Improved the ability to find presentations in My Mediasite by adding more specific filtering options to the source filter including Mediasite Mosaic (macOS), Mediasite Mosaic (Windows), and External Video.

Improved the user workflows for favoriting a shared folder or channel in My Mediasite. Added an option to remove an item from the favorites list. Added an option to favorite a channel or shared folder on the respective summary page.

Several improvements were made to caption editor found in My Mediasite.

  • The caption list will automatically scroll to keep the current caption in view.
  • Added the ability to click and drag the timeline cursor to seek within the presentation.
  • Improved the usability by displaying the current time near the playback controls.
  • Added the ability to zoom the time scale to help with precision editing.

Improved the ability to share a channel in an LMS by showing the LTI sharing link on the channel summary page.

Improved the responsiveness at higher resolutions for My Mediasite and channels. There are three new breakpoints at 1440, 1700, and 1900 pixels wide to utilize the full-screen size.

Improved the presentation sharing user experience by making the buttons that affect security clearer.

Continued to improve compliance with more WCAG success criteria across My Mediasite. Some areas of focus include:

  • Non-Text Contrast - States of User Interface Components (1.4.11)
  • Color Contrast (regular text) (1.4.3)
  • Content on Hover or Focus (1.4.13)
  • Name, Role, Value (4.1.2)

Updated the Choose your Capture App page in My Mediasite to make it clear that Mediasite Mosaic is the recommended capture app.

Reporting & Analytics

Added the presentation Id to the Content Storage Report, similar to many of the other reports in Mediasite Analytics.


Updated the presentation page in Showcase to show the links that have been added to the presentation.

Continued to improve compliance with more WCAG success criteria across Showcase. Some areas of focus include:

  • Keyboard access to all actionable elements (2.1)
  • Screenreader call-outs for all actionable elements (2.4)
  • Color contrast ratios (1.4.3)

Showcase Custom Themes created prior to 7.6.0 may no longer function properly. Custom themes for the Showcase, in general, are not guaranteed to work properly from version to version, as updated functionality and html markup can change how pages are displayed. Custom Themes should always be revisited after each upgrade to ensure they continue to function properly. In version 7.6.0, the Showcase underwent a large scale architecture change with many fundamental changes to how its content is laid out. As a result, custom themes may need to be re-created. Best practice will be to set all showcases back to the Clean Theme while new themes can be created.

Video Platform

Added read-only diagnostic database views that can be used by on premise customers at the direction of Sonic Foundry Customer Care.

Improved the security auditing functionality to include Registration logins when Enable Login Audits are configured for either successful or failed attempts.

Completed the previously announced deprecation of Recorder Control Center.

Simplified the license check in Mediasite to only require reactivation related to upgrades on a major upgrade, from 7.x to 8.x for example.

Improved the user experience when adding HiHaHo external videos to Mediasite. When a HiHaHo video is added Mediasite will retrieve the title, description, and thumbnail to help create the presentation more quickly.

Improved the user experience when uploading a video in Management Portal to automatically provide feedback as the video is processed while staying on the page.

Updated the names used for some features to be more inclusive, for example Mediasite now uses the term "allow list".

Improved the Security Audit tracking and exporting feature to include the configuration in Management Portal instead of System Manager. Also, added a configurable retention policy, and the ability to exclude job farm audits. Additionally, logins via Registration are now being included in the audits.


Added the ability to share report results using the WebApi using the AuthorizationTickets endpoint. To mimic the Management Portal behavior, set the ticket's Username property to whoever is sharing the report.

Added the ability to manage Publishing channels using the WebApi.


Log Number Resolution
CAN-30 Fixed the problem in Canvas assignments where the "conflicting changes detected" message would appear when an assignment was submitted.
Log Number Resolution
MC-232 Fixed the problem in Management Portal where the registration date for registered users was not displayed using the local timezone.
MC-294 Fixed the problem in My Mediasite where annotations don't work when navigating directly to a presentation within a channel.
Configuration Editor
Log Number Resolution
CONFIG-171 Fixed the problem in the Configuration Editor where importing an older web.config overwrote settings in the file that should stay up to date with the released version.
Log Number Resolution
MEDIASRV-179 Fixed the problem in Deliver where audio silence at the beginning of a live presentation resulted in no audio for the duration of the live presentation.
MEDIASRV-181 Fixed the problem in Deliver where live broadcast audio fragments were delayed during periods of audio silence causing the presentation to stall in the Player.
Log Number Resolution
LOGIN-36 Fixed the problem in the Login application where a user profile would be automatically provisioned for a user that did not have permission to the resource they will be redirected to.
LOGIN-50 Fixed the problem in the login form where a user profie was not created if the user's first login was through the Moderate application.
LOGIN-51 Fixed the problem in Mediasite where it was possible to manually add an external URL to a SAML login URL and be redirected to an external site after authenticating with the SAML Identity Provider, rather than redirected to a Mediasite application.
Log Number Resolution
LTI-235 Fixed the problem in LTI provisioning where institution roles were used instead of course roles when a user not enrolled in the course provisioned the module or collection.
LTI-251 Fixed the problem in LTI assignment submission where a user would see an error at the end of the workflow when submitting an assignment. Now, if there is an error with provisioning the assignment the user is notified immediately.
LTI-254 Fixed the problem in Mediasite where LTI launches from Blackboard could fail when the Blackboard System Role configured for the user designated for the API for Mediasite REST Integration lacked privileges to list disabled courses.
LTI-275 Fixed the problem in Mediasite Video Platform where upload of new content would fail when using the VTBE Mashup button in original view Blackboard courses.
LTI-279 Fixed the problem in Brightspace integration where the screen would continually refresh if the user did not have My Mediasite permission.
Management Portal
Log Number Resolution
PORTAL-637 Fixed the problem in the Management Portal where folders will not load if one of the presentations is missing a presenter.
PORTAL-715 Fixed the problem in the Management Portal where deleting a report would fail with a timeout error if the report result sets were extremely large.
PORTAL-794 Fixed the problem in the Management Portal where changing the owner on multiple Schedules, Templates, or Players resulted in an error.
PORTAL-799 Fixed the problem in the Management Portal where there was an empty dialog without confirmation text after deleting an Audio Transcription Template.
PORTAL-819 Fixed the problem in the Management Portal where the available options for recorder operation on a schedule changed based on the type of device selected. Validation is now done when saving the schedule.
PORTAL-830 Fixed a problem in the Management Portal where server groups could be deleted when they had dependent schedules. Added an In Use By tab to make it easier to delete unneeded server groups.
PORTAL-848 Fixed the problem in the Management Portal where user profiles were not being sorted correctly based on the selected sort order.
PORTAL-853 Fixed a problem in the Management Portal where editing an audio transcription profile incorrectly required write access on the system policy for audio transcription profiles.
PORTAL-909 Fixed the Management Portal to use the correct HTTP Content-Type Response Header for MediasiteLocalization requests.
PORTAL-939 Fixed the problem in the Portal where pressing the backspace button consecutively could trigger the web page to go back a page.
PORTAL-983 Fixed the problem in the Management Portal where enabling Publish to Go on a presentations with a caption provider enabled would set the captions to manual and add an empty caption file.
PORTAL-985 Fixed the problem in the Management Portal where the Security tab for content servers did not have a help link available.
My Mediasite
Log Number Resolution
MM-299 Fixed the problem in the Management Portal and My Mediasite to stop duplicate tags from being entered.
MM-986 Fixed the problem in the Caption Editor dealing with auto play in Firefox and Safari browsers.
MM-1375 Fixed the problem in the Moderation page where the calendar control was not selectable or editable by mouse
MM-1387 Fixed the problem in the Content Storage Report where sorting by Record date was incorrect.
MM-1388 Fixed the problem in My Mediasite where presentation links where not able to be added if the first link was deleted.
MM-1399 Fixed the problem in Caption Editor where an error would be encountered when adding new captions to a presentation.
MM-1408 Fixed the problem in My Mediasite where leading 0 charaters where being stripped from the presentation title.
MM-1414 Fixed the problem in My Mediasite where users where asked to save changes after editing security.
MM-1431 Fixed the problem in My Mediasite where presentations would fail to load if the browser was set to a language like Arabic.
MM-1432 Fixed the problem in My Mediasite where the help link on the Who Can View slider was incorrect.
MM-1439 Fixed the problem in My Mediasite where users could view content they did not have access to.
MM-1482 Fixed the problem in My Mediasite where a user needed additional permissions to request a user profile validation email to be resent.
Log Number Resolution
PLAYER-383 Fixed the problem in Player where live playback would fail to start for a presentation shortcut if the user opened Player before recording began.
PLAYER-395 Fixed the problem in Player where live playback is stuck in 'Opening' state if attempting to play live media before the media server can serve it.
PLAYER-403 Fixed the problem in Player where the login page would be presented to unauthenticated users when exceeding one of the configured connection limits. A message stating that the connection limit has been reached will now be displayed instead of the login page.
PLAYER-444 Fixed the problem in Player where a media error is displayed at the end of a live broadcast if viewing via a presentation shortcut.
PLAYER-455 Fixed the problem in the Player where external videos could still be played with their status was offline.
Reporting & Analytics
Log Number Resolution
REPORTING-46 Fixed the problem in the management portal where report download would fail if the user name or email contained an apostrophe.
REPORTING-70 Fixed a problem in the Management Portal where report results could only be viewed by the owner. Now the access is controlled only by the associated portal resource.
System Manager
Log Number Resolution
SYSMGR-24 Fixed the problem in the System Manager where external videos could be exported. External videos cannot be imported so they are no longer being exported.
Log Number Resolution
TRANSCODE-115 Fixed the problem in Transcoder where the default log level for MFVI is set to Debug. The default log level value is now Notice.
Video Editor
Log Number Resolution
EDITOR-106 Fixed the problem in Web Editor where audio descriptions audio isn't modified when the video is edited in the web editor. Now audio descriptions will be removed and need to be added back manually after an edit occurs.
EDITOR-107 Fixed the problem in Web Editor where audio descriptions don't play anymore after saving to a new presentation.
Video Platform
Log Number Resolution
EVP-3148 Fixed the problem in Mediasite Video Platform where you were unable to remove a stream from a presentation when the presentation had been edited in the web editor.
EVP-3230 Fixed the problem in Mediasite Video Platform where users were not able to bulk remove the remove adaptive bitrate actions from a presentation.
EVP-3233 Fixed the problem in the Management Portal where external videos were exported based on an export project. External videos cannot be imported so they are no longer being exported.
EVP-3284 Fixed the problem in Mediasite Video Platform where presentations didn't have audio descriptions when Copy To was done from a presentation with audio descriptions.
EVP-3289 Fixed the problem in Mediasite where embed code iframes did not include a title attribute.
EVP-3413 Fixed the problem in Mediasite Video Platform where edited presentations sometimes had poor audio quality in the Podcast.
EVP-3452 Fixed the problem in Mediasite Video Platform where management audit access was slow when site re-indexing had occurred.
Log Number Resolution
WEBAPI-201 Fixed the problem in the WebApi where channel defaults were not being applied to newly created channels.
WEBAPI-203 Fixed the problem in the WebApi where creating a schedule could fail if an associated profile did not have a role entry.

System Requirements (7.6.0)

Category Supported Versions
Operating System Windows Server 2012 R21, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019
SQL Server Server 2014, Server 2016, Server 2019
.NET Framework 4.7.2+
  1. The OCR job farm worker is only supported on Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2019.

Interoperability (7.6.0)

Supported Configuration (7.6.0)

Installer Version
MVP 7.6.0
Deliver 7.6.0
Directory 7.0.4 Build 1226
Seach 7.6.0
OCR 7.6.0 1 2
System Services 7.6.0
System Manager 7.6.0
Transcode 7.6.0
Multi-Format Video Import 7.6.0
Vodcast 7.2.3 Build 3192
Dual Full Motion Video for RL120 (optional) 7.0.4 Build 1226
Live Broadcast Video (optional) 7.0.4 Build 1226
  1. The OCR worker must be installed on Windows Server 2016 or Windows Server 2019.
  2. The OCR worker from 7.4.0 is compatible with MVP 7.6.0.

Related Information

Online Documentation

Starting in May 2020, documentation for most Mediasite products and applications can be found online at

Known Issues

A complete, current list of known issues is available in KBA 4105 in the Mediasite Customer Care Portal.

Migration Information

Migrating from previous versions of Mediasite requires planning and verified backups.

  1. Read the Migration Guide in the Mediasite Customer Care Portal
  2. Contact your Sales Engineer


Some, not all, Mediasite components require a license, please see our licensing KBA 4106 in the Mediasite Customer Care Portal.

Customer Care

For customer support, use the Mediasite Customer Care Portal or call 877.783.7987.

Generated on Friday, April 9, 2021 in 17 seconds.