MCIP Recorder operations set

MCIP Recorder includes operations for controlling the recording process, retrieving feedback from the Recorder, and managing new and scheduled presentations.

Recorder controls

The following Recorder controls are available:




Record a presentation.


Pause a presentation.


Stop recording a presentation.

Advance image

Advance to the next available image manually.

Enable/disable auto-image advance toggle

Enable or disable the use of the Recorder’s auto-image advance feature.


Enable/disable verbose status toggle

Enable or disable verbose status notifications. When enabled, the Recorder will send messages, asynchronously, to the control system as they occur. When disabled, the control system continuously polls the Recorder for its status. This feature is enabled by default.

Set audio record level

Set the audio record level.

Select image preset

Select pre-defined settings that determine how the Recorder captures a presentation’s images when recording.

Encode Image In with PiP

Route the image input with video overlaid in lower-right corner to one of the available video outputs.

Route/unroute inputs

Route or remove an input stream (video, image, or audio) to/from one of the available video outputs.

Add NDI/IP inputs

Add NDI or IP devices to the Recorder.

Remove inputs

Remove connected input devices from the Recorder.

PTZ recall

Recall pan/tilt/zoom control presets on NDI devices.


Recorder feedback

Users can retrieve the following feedback from the Recorder:



Slide count

The current number of slides captured for the presentation being recorded.

Record time

The amount of time that has elapsed since user began recording presentation.


The Recorder’s status – Idle, Record, Busy, or Publish.


The status of presentation being recorded – Presentation Available, Presentation Not Available.   

Error (communication and control)

Communication and control error messages from the Recorder.


Recorder version

Recorder software version and build

Current audio input level

The Recorder’s current audio level; useful when adjusting audio levels prior to recording.

Low audio warning indicator

Warning that appears when the audio level is too low to record quality audio

Audio record level

The recording’s audio level (dB)

Recorder disk space

The amount of empty space left on the hard disk.

Preset image settings

A list of user-defined preset image settings.

Retrieve inputs

A list of inputs connected to the Recorder. Can also retrieve a count of connected input devices.

Retrieve NDI inputs

A list of connected NDI input devices. Can also retrieve a count of connected NDI devices.


Recording new presentations

When preparing to record a new presentation, users can do the following tasks:



Select an encoding profile

Select an encoding profile from a list on the Recorder. Encoding profiles determine how presentations are encoded and streamed to your audience.


Select a presentation template

Select a presentation template from a list on the Mediasite Video Platform.


Recording scheduled presentations

Users can do the following tasks for scheduled presentations:



Select a scheduled presentation

Select a scheduled presentation from a list of scheduled presentations available on Mediasite for recording and/or live streaming.

Automatically publish presentation

Automatically publish the scheduled presentation to Mediasite once recording has completed.

Select only today’s presentations

Open and select a presentation for recording from a list of presentations scheduled for the current day.

Presentation details

Display date, time, presentation id, and title when opening a scheduled presentation.