You will use the Recorder UI shortcut on the desktop to launch the Recorder interface locally. When launching the application remotely, you can enter the URL directly into your browser or you can launch it from Management Portal.
When you log into the Recorder remotely, you can log in as an administrator or operator. You must log in as an administrator to use the advanced settings. If you log into the Recorder interface as an operator and attempt to use an advanced setting, you will be prompted to enter the administrator’s credentials.
If the security level is set
to high, you must confirm the untrusted certificate twice. You will find
complete instructions for confirming the certificate on the web page. For
more information, see Using the Recorder’s Advanced
Launch the remote Recorder interface directly:
Before you launch the remote Recorder interface, make sure your computer meets the system requirements described above.
To launch the Recorder interface directly:
1. Enter the URL directly in your web browser. The URL for the web interface has the following form:
http://<Recorder IP or FQDN>:8090/RecorderUI (Low security level)
https://<Recorder IP or FQDN>:8091/RecorderUI (High security level)
2. If required, when the Confirm Untrusted Recorder Certificate message appears, click Launch SSL Confirmation.
3. Follow the instructions displayed on the page. Once you receive a message that the certificate was successfully imported, click Reload.
4. Enter the operator or administrator credentials and click OK.
If you do not know the operator or
administrator credentials, or have not set up your credentials yet and do not
know the default credentials, contact your Mediasite administrator or our
technical support team on the Mediasite Customer Assurance Portal at
Launch the remote Recorder interface from Management Portal:
If you have connected your Recorder to Mediasite, you can manage it and launch the Recorder interface from Management Portal.
To launch the Recorder interface from Management Portal:
1. Login to the Management Portal using the appropriate credentials.
2. Click Recording > Recorders and navigate to the Recorder you want to manage.
3. Click Recorder Interface under a Recorder’s details to launch the remote Recorder interface in a new tab.
4. Enter the operator or administrator credentials and click OK.
If you do not know the operator or
administrator credentials, or have not set up your credentials yet and do not
know the default credentials, contact your Mediasite administrator or our
technical support team on the Mediasite Customer Assurance Portal at