Update channel’s player options

Once you have created a channel, you can edit it as needed. There are additional settings available when editing your channels. Once you no longer need the channel, you can delete it to conserve space.

To update a channel’s player options:

1.  Click Browse Channels and browse to the channel you want or select the channel in Favorite Channels. Click the channel’s title to see additional channel management options.

2.  Click Player to view the Edit Player Options page.

3.  Choose the general layout and playback control settings for the player:




Show Header Banner

By default, this feature is Disabled (the recommended setting) since the content is the primary focus. The following options are available: Show/hide with controls and Always visible.

Allow Pop-out When Embedded

By default, users will have the option to pop-out the Player whenever it is embedded in a web page. Clear the check box to disable this feature.

Allow Fullscreen Playback

Enabled by default, clear the check box to disable this feature. Once disabled, users cannot expand the player to take up their entire screen.

Control Bar

Clear check box if you want to hide all buttons (play, pause, stop, navigation controls, polls, questions, etc.), on the bottom of the player.


Clear check box to hide the play, pause, and stop buttons. The presentation will start automatically when a user launches it in the player.

Video Seeking

Clear check box to disable users’ ability to navigate through the presentation using the controls. All the controls used to skip around in the presentation are disabled (timeline cursor) or hidden (skip back, search slides/captions).

Speed Control

Clear check box to hide the Adjust Playback Rate button that allows users to increase or decrease the playback speed of the presentation.




4.  All the settings are selected by default. Select the interactivity and presentation information you want to include:



Presentation Info

Clear check box to hide the Presentation Information button that allows users to view the presentation’s date and time along with its title, description, presenter, and length in the Player’s Info tab.

Presentation Publish Date and Time

Clear check box if you don’t want to include information listing when a presentation was first published to Mediasite.


Clear check box to hide the buttons (search slides, search captions) that allow users to search for word phrases in the presentations slides (OCR) and added closed captions.


Clear check box to hide the Polls button that users can use to answer polls that have been added to a presentation.

Ask a Question

Clear check box to hide the Ask button that users can use to ask the presenter questions.

Share a Presentation

Clear check box to hide the Share button that allows users to share the presentation’s link with others.


Clear check box to hide the Link button that users can use to view added links to supplementary materials.


Clear check box to hide the Download button that allows users to download media packages, podcasts, video podcasts, captions, and transcripts from the player.


Clear check box to hide the Help button that users can use to view the bundled help included with the Player.



5.  Click Select a file to update the Top Banner image. The image you choose should be the size specified in parentheses. The image preview appears directly below.


6.  Click Save.