You can delete all quizzes contained within a presentation, as well as questions and answers. You can undo question and answer deletions by clicking Cancel. Once you click Save, the deletion is permanent.
Quiz results will remain stored even
after a presentation has been deleted. If you need to access the results of a
deleted quiz, contact your system administrator for more information.
To delete all quizzes from a presentation:
1. On a presentation’s properties page, click Edit Quizzes.
2. Click Delete at the top of the Edit Quizzes window. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion of all quizzes.
To delete an individual quiz:
1. On a presentation’s properties page, click Edit Quizzes.
2. Click the
Delete button next to the quiz you want to remove from
the presentation. Click OK.
3. Click Save to save your changes.
To delete an individual question or answer:
1. On a presentation’s properties page, click Edit Quizzes and select the quiz you want to edit.
2. Click
Delete button next to the question or answer you want to remove
from the quiz. Click
3. Click Save.