Scheduling considerations

Consider the following when using scheduling to automate recording and publishing on your Recorders:

Recurrence details and scheduled events

     When adding a schedule, you can add multiple recurrences to it. For example, if you want to create a schedule for a class that has lectures on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9AM and honors seminars on Mondays at 3 PM, you do not need to create two separate schedules. Instead, you can create a single schedule and add two recurrences to it, one for the lectures and one for the seminars.

     Once you create a schedule, you can update its recurrence details as needed—you can add new recurrences as well as update or delete existing recurrences. For example, if you have a schedule that is set to record daily at 1PM but today’s class will start 15 minutes late, you can go into the schedule, cancel the event for that day, and add a new one-time recurrence for that day, starting at 1:15 PM.

     When you update a schedule’s recurrence details, it is important to synchronize the Recorder to ensure the updates take effect. This is especially important when you make updates very close to the time that a presentation using that recurrence is scheduled for recording.

     In the recording calendar, you can delete specific scheduled events without updating a schedule’s recurrence settings.

     When creating a recurring scheduled presentation, no presentation will be created on the last day of the schedule if the recurrence falls on the schedule end date. For example, if you create a schedule that starts on a Monday, ends 4 weeks later on Wednesday, and the recurrence is set to “weekly on Wednesdays” a presentation will not be created on the fourth (4th) Wednesday. Therefore, to avoid presentations not being scheduled, make sure the schedule’s end date extends beyond the date you want the last scheduled presentation created.

General considerations

When scheduling presentations, you should consider the following:

     The clocks on your Mediasite and recording devices must be synchronized to ensure they can communicate effectively when it is time for the device to pull down schedules from Mediasite.  Scheduling is not affected when Mediasite and recording devices are in different time zones because scheduled presentation times are stored in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

     Do not leave unrecorded presentations open on your Recorders. If a presentation is open or being recorded on a Recorder, then the Recorder is "in use" and cannot open or record other presentations during that time. This applies only to unrecorded presentations that are opened manually. To avoid scheduling conflicts, recurring presentations that have been opened but not recorded will automatically close after the specified duration has passed.

     You should always allow additional time between scheduled presentations when streaming live videos. There is at least a 60-second wait period after you stop recording a live presentation. Also, in some instances, the Recorder may take several minutes to process the presentation files after a live broadcast has ended.

     Mediasite deletes presentations created in advance when the following updates are made to the schedule: record time, duration, start date, end date, server group, encoding profile, live or on demand setting, recurrence pattern, or time zone.

     Mediasite does not delete presentations created in advance when you update a schedule’s Player, presenters, name, advance creation settings, etc. However, you must update these presentations manually with the new schedule settings.

     There is a known issue, in which editing the start time or duration of a presentation created through a schedule creates a new one-time recurrence for the schedule. However, in the Portal both the old and new occurrence are listed in the schedule views.

     Before you can delete a presentation, you must delete all events (recurrences) and unrecorded presentations associated with the schedule and then permanently remove them from the Recycle Bin.

     Create in advance times do not guarantee that the presentation will be created at the exact time specified. Schedules may be created 10-15 minutes after the scheduled creation time. For example, presentations scheduled to be created 1 day in advance will not be created exactly 24 hours prior to the record time.

Schedule import files

     When creating schedule import files, the following items are optional: Recorder information, automated operations, notification information, live/on-demand setting, and presenter information. The live/on-demand setting and presenter information override the template settings.

     You can specify module IDs in schedule import files, which is useful when integrating Mediasite with a Learning Management System (LMS).