Scheduling actions

Mediasite allows you to schedule actions on templates, schedules, and presentations, that will help you manage content availability and storage space. Actions include automated visibility updates, removing adaptive bitrate (smooth streaming) content, and sending presentations to the Recycle Bin. These actions can be set for a specific date or period after a presentation’s upload date. We also provide a “scheduled actions” status report that includes data about successful, failed, and upcoming scheduled actions.

     When specifying actions on folders, templates, and schedules, a best practice is to use the “relative to upload” option to schedule when an action occurs. This allows you to put into place a defined time frame for changing visibility and removing old content. Also, system jobs perform scheduled actions daily. When there are scheduled actions against many presentations (for example, 10,000 presentations), it is unlikely that all jobs will be processed in a single day. You will schedule actions on an item’s properties page and can do it when creating a new item or when updating it.

     You can also schedule actions against folders by right clicking the folder and selecting Manage Content > Schedule New Action. For more detailed instructions, see Mediasite Configuration Guide.


Schedule “Change Visibility” actions

Schedule actions to update visibility to manage when content becomes available to your audience.

To schedule actions to update visibility:

1.  Create a new presentation, schedule, or template and click the Actions tab. If you are editing an existing item, click Edit and navigate to the Actions tab.

2.  Click Schedule new Action and specify when the action should be done:



Relative From Upload

Select this option to have the visibility update occur a certain amount of time after a presentation’s content uploads to Mediasite. Select the amount of time.

Relative From Last View

: Select this option to have the visibility update occur a certain amount of time after a presentation was last viewed.

On Exact Date

Select this option if you want to update the presentation’s visibility (or in the cases of templates and schedules, all presentations created them) on a certain day and use the calendar to select the date


3.  Select Change Visibility from the Action Type drop-down list and select one of the following from the New Visibility drop-down list:




Select to allow users with appropriate permissions to view the presentation. In this state, if publishing to external sites is enabled, the presentation’s audio or video podcasts are published to the sites.


Select so only the owner can view, search for, and update the presentation.  Other users will be able to see the presentation in Mediasite applications, but they will not be able to view it. Changing a presentation’s visibility to private allows the owner to fine-tune it before making it available for viewing.


Offline: Select so no one can view the recorded presentation.  Offline presentations are not available for viewing or in searches and only the presentation owner can update them.


4.  Click Add. Save the item you are creating or updating.

Add “visibility update” action


Schedule “Move to the Recycle Bin” actions

Schedule actions to send presentations to the Recycle Bin to help manage storage space usage on Mediasite. 

To schedule actions to send presentations to the Recycle Bin:

1.  Create a new presentation, schedule, or template and click the Actions tab. If you are editing an existing item, click Edit and navigate to the Actions tab.

2.  Click Schedule new Action and specify when the action should be done:



Relative to Upload Date

Select this option to have the presentation moved to the Recycle Bin a certain amount of time after a presentation’s content uploads to Mediasite. Select the amount of time.

On Exact Date

Select this option if you want to have the presentation sent to the Recycle Bin (or in the cases of templates and schedules, all presentations created using them) on a certain day and use the calendar to select the date.

3.  Select Move to the Recycle Bin from the Action Type drop-down list.

4.  Click Add. Save the item you are creating or updating.

Add “Move to Recycle Bin” action


Schedule “Remove Adaptive Bitrate” actions

Schedule actions to remove Adaptive Bitrate content from presentations to help manage storage space usage on Mediasite.  When this action is selected, all smooth streaming content will be completely removed. Once the system deletes the content, you cannot recover it from the Recycle Bin. This action will never remove the last content type so the presentation must also have MP4 content for this action to be processed.

To schedule actions to remove smooth streaming content from presentations:

1.  Create a new presentation, schedule, or template and click the Actions tab. If you are editing an existing item, click Edit and navigate to the Actions tab.

2.  Click Schedule new Action and specify when the action should be done:



Relative to Upload Date

Select this option to remove smooth streaming content a certain amount of time after a presentation’s content uploads to Mediasite. Select the amount of time.

On Exact Date

Select this option if you want to remove smooth streaming content on a certain day and use the calendar to select the date.


3.  Select Remove Adaptive Bitrate from the Action Type drop-down list.

4.  Click Add. Save the item you are creating or updating.

Add “Remove Adaptive Bitrate” action