Results summary

For all reports, a results summary is displayed along with graphical information (also can be displayed as a list) containing the report’s data points. The results summary includes the following information:

Report details


Where included?

Total Views

The total number of times the presentations specified in the report were watched (includes live and on-demand views).

All reports


The number of times the presentations specified in the report were watched live and on-demand.

X+Y Total | X Live | Y On-Demand

All reports


The number of presentations watched out of the total number of presentations included in the report.

X of Y Presentations

The number of presenters whose content has been watched out of the total presenters.

X of Y Presentations |X of Y Presenters (Presenter Statistics)

All reports


The total amount of time users spent watching the selected presentations. The amount of time a user watched a presentation.  If a user goes back and forth in a presentation, the time watched can be longer than the presentation. Example:  A user opens a presentation and watches the first 30 minutes of a presentation, pauses the video, seeks back to the start and watches for 40 minutes.   The total time user spent watching the presentation is 70 minutes.

H:MM:SS Total Watched

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The highest number of concurrent views for the presentation.

X Connections

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The number of unique users who have viewed the presentations. The number of unique IP addresses used to view the presentations. The number of unique machines or sites from which users began watching the presentations, for example, when presentations have been embedded or their links shared. This information is in the server statistics reports.

X Users | Y IP Addresses

X Users | Y IP Addresses | Z Referrers (Server statistics)

All reports


The number of presentations on the server that have been broadcast live and recorded from a schedule.

X Live Broadcasts | Y Schedule Recorded (Server Statistics)

The number of presentations, shortcuts, and live broadcasts on the server.

X Presentations |Y Shortcuts | Z Live Broadcasts (Authoring Statistics)

     Server Statistics

     Authoring Statistics


Amount of content that has been created on server. H:MM:SS



The number of media packages, podcasts, and vodcasts that have been downloaded.

X Publish to Go | Y Audio Podcast | Z Video Podcast

Download Statistics


The number of presentations that have had content downloaded out of the total number of presentations.

X of Y Presentations

Download Statistics