Report details

The data in each report is organized into different categories (tabs). The top-level views include statistic type data (presentation, presenter, and user), date activity, sources, and platform. For example, in a presentation statistics report, the top-level views (tabs) are Presentations, Date Activity, and Platforms.

When you view a report, you can click on a presentation, presenter, or user’s link to view its summary report. The data available will vary by report. Many of the reports contain the same data you will find at the top-level but for the selected item only.

In some reports, there will be additional information (views). For example, in a presentation summary report also includes information about users, IP addresses, and viewing trends in addition to date activity and platforms.  For many of these views, you can drill down even further.

The following report categories are available:


Report details



Click Presentations to see data for each presentation included in the report. The data can be sorted by attribute (presentation, total views, etc.) as well as in ascending and descending order. The data can be displayed as a bar graph or as a list.


Click Users to see which users viewed the presentation, the number of views they had and what percentage of the presentation they viewed. You can sort the information displayed by user, total views, coverage, etc.

Click the link for the user to view the user summary report with date activity, viewing trends and platform views.


In the Presenters Statistics report, click Presenters to see details about presentations created by the presenter, number of views, date activity, users, and platforms. In the Authoring Statistics report, click Presenters to see same details for presentations authored by the presenter.

Date Activity

Click Date Activity to view graphical data and a grid showing the viewing growth, total number of views, and peak connections for presentations specified in the report. You can view the data by day or month. Mouse-over a point in the graph to see details for a specific data point. For example, when displaying the date activity graph with the Show Views and By Day options selected, you will see the number of views on a particular day.

Viewing Trends

Click Viewing Trends to view an intensity graph that highlights which parts of presentations were viewed most. Views less than 60 seconds in duration are not displayed in the graph and grid. You can view trends for all users or click on a user in the grid to view their individual session report and gain granular insight into trends.

You can select the display format for the viewing trends data: a multi-colored intensity (heat) graph with different colors representing the amount of views, a monochromatic intensity graph with increasing intensity (deeper color) representing higher number of views, or a linear graph representing the total number of views.

IP Addresses

Click IP Addresses to see which IP addresses were used to view the presentation, the number of views they had, and the percentage of the presentation viewed. You can sort the information displayed by IP address, total views, coverage, etc.

Click the link for a user to view the IP address summary report with date activity, viewing trends and platform views.


Click Platforms to see graphical data showing the total views for each browser, platform, system, player and media plugin supported in Mediasite. You can change the information displayed and the graphical style, using the Show and Style drop-down lists, respectively.


Click Sources to see how the methods used to add content to presentations included in the report: External Media Import, Not Recorded, Mediasite Capture, and Media Upload.


Click Shortcuts to see viewing statistics for each shortcut created from the target presentation.