Enabling showcase registration

Enable registration on Mediasite Showcase to collect user analytics. You can use Mediasite’s registration page or an external registration page.


Showcase registration scenarios

The following table describes what you can expect when using showcase registration with different levels of security on the showcase and its channels and presentations.



Expected behavior when accessing showcase and content


     Showcase is secure

     All channels use Showcase registration

     Some content is secure

When accessing a showcase, users must register before any content is visible.


     Showcase is public

     All channels use Showcase registration

     Some content is secure

     When accessing a showcase, users can see all channels and browse all presentations.

     When users click a channel or presentation, they must register before content is visible or playable.


     Showcase is secure

     Some channels use Showcase registration

     Some content is secure

     When accessing a showcase, users must register before any content is visible.

     When users click a channel or presentation using registration, they must register before content is visible or playable.

     Users can see channels and playback presentations not using registration according to their permissions.


     Showcase is public

     Some channels use Showcase registration

     Some content is secure

     When accessing a showcase, users will see all public channels and presentations and all channels and presentations requiring registration.

     When users click a channel or presentation using registration, they must register before content is visible or playable.

     Users can see channels and playback presentations not using registration according to their permissions.


     Mediasite ignores registration when a user already logged into Mediasite accesses a showcase that uses registration. The user’s permissions will determine what content they can see.


Enable external showcase registration

External showcase registration allows you to use a third-party registration page with the showcase.  Mediasite will re-direct users to this page before they can access the showcase.

To enable external registration on a showcase:

1.  Click Publishing > Showcases and locate the showcase you want. On the showcase’s properties page, click Registration.

2.  Select the Enable Showcase Registration check box and select Use External Registration as the registration type.

3.  Enter the URL for the third-party registration page and click Save.

Enable external showcase registration

    Using external registration with showcase requires custom development using our Web API. For more information, contact your sales representative or our technical support experts on the Mediasite Customer Care Portal at www.sonicfoundry.com/support.


Enable Mediasite showcase registration

When you enable Mediasite registration on a showcase, users are prompted to enter their first and last names, email addresses, passcodes, and any other additional criteria you choose before viewing content. You can view the data collected, along with the IP address and the registration date, and export it to a Microsoft Excel file.

To enable Mediasite registration on a showcase:

1.  Click Publishing > Showcases and locate the showcase you want. On the showcase’s properties page, click Registration.

2.  Select the Enable Showcase Registration check box and select Use Mediasite Registration as the registration type.

3.  Update the registration page settings as needed:



Pass Code

If you want to distribute a pass code to your viewers and require them to enter it before accessing the Showcase, specify the desired code. If you leave this field blank, then anyone with the link can access the Showcase after filling out the registration form.

  Make sure to distribute the passcode to your users when sharing the showcase’s URL so they can access the content.

Banner Message

Enter the text you want displayed at the top of the registration form. If this field is blank, the default text of "Please register to access the requested Mediasite content" will be displayed.

Hide the standard login form link

If you want all users, including those with Mediasite logins to register before accessing content, select this check box. Otherwise, a link appears at the bottom of the page that allows existing Mediasite users to authenticate via the standard Mediasite login form and bypass registration.

Banner Image

Use this to upload a custom image for the banner displayed at the top of the registration page.

Banner Background Color

Enter a value for the color, or use the color chooser tool, to set a background fill color for the banner area.

Custom Fields

By default, Mediasite only collects first name, last name, and email addresses when viewers register. Click Add New to add fields to the registration form for any additional data you want to collect. Select the Required check box to make the item a required field.

4.  Click Save. Once users begin registering to access the showcase, you can return to this page and click View Registrants to view or export the collected data.

Enable showcase registration