Adding presenters

In the strictest sense, a presenter is the person who is speaking in your presentation. In Mediasite, a presenter is the person whose name, image, and email address are associated with the presentation in the database, video collections, and the Mediasite Player. You can add a new presenter, or you can import a user in a directory integrated with Mediasite as a presenter.

You can also add presenters dynamically when you create or update a template, presentation, or schedule. Presenters have no explicit security associated with them. A user with write permissions on a presentation, schedule, or template can always add, modify (update presenters’ properties and images), and delete presenters used in that item.

Presenter images are always shared when a presenter is used inside a presentation, schedule, or template. In some instances, presenters may be duplicated. However, duplicate presenters can always be merged later. 

Add new presenter

To add a new presenter:

1.  Click Publishing > Presenters > Add New > Presenter.

2.  Enter the presenter’s name, biography page URL, email address, and title as well as any additional information you want your audience to know about the presenter. Only the presenter’s name is required.

3.  To add an image for the presenter, click Select and locate the file with the image you want to use. Once the image uploads, you will see a preview of it. To remove the image, click Remove. The default presenter image replaces the removed image.

4.  Click Save.


Add new presenter


Import presenter from a directory

You can search the Mediasite Directory or an external directory and add users in them as presenters on the Mediasite. This allows you to quickly add multiple presenters with minimal configuration. When you add a presenter from an external directory, it inherits the corresponding user’s name and email address.

To add a user in a directory as a presenter:

1.  Click Publishing > Presenters > Import from Directory.

2.  Specify the search criteria for the user:



Choose the directory you want to search from the drop-down list.


Select where in the specified directory location you want to search:

     Base: Searches only the directory location.

     OneLevel: Searches the directory location and the nodes that are children of this location.

     Subtree: Searches the entire tree structure with the root of the tree being the directory location.


Select how you want to search for a name in the directory from the drop-down list: Starts with, Is exactly, or Contains and enter the name in the adjacent field. If you want to display all names in the directory, keep the field blank.


3.  Click Search to begin searching the directory. The entries fitting the search criteria will appear below.

4.  Select the check box next to each item you want to add as a role and click Save. The selected users are added as presenters to the Mediasite with their email address fields already populated.



Import presenters from connected directory

     You must have permissions to search directories to import presenters from them. For more information, see the Mediasite Configuration Guide.

     Once you import a presenter from a directory, you can add an image and biography page URL in the same manner described for a new presenter.