Using the built-in Mediasite roles

Mediasite includes seven (7) built-in Mediasite roles and a sample role (MediasitePresenters) that allow you to assign permissions quickly to Mediasite resources:




An anonymous user is a guest who has not authenticated themselves by entering a username and password. This user is unknown. When you assign the Anonymous role permissions, those permissions are applied to all unauthenticated users. For example, you will give the Anonymous role permission to view a presentation so users will not have to log in to view the presentation.

Note: When you assign Anonymous permission to view a presentation you should assign at least one other group permission. Otherwise, the presentation will not be visible to any user who has logged into Mediasite system.


An authenticated user is anyone who has successfully logged into the system by entering a username and password. When you assign the AuthenticatedUsers role permissions, those permissions are applied to all authenticated users. For example, you will give the AuthenticatedUsers role permission to view a presentation so all users who have logged in can view the presentation.


Everyone includes both anonymous and authenticated users. When you assign the Everyone role permissions, those permissions are applied to all users whether they are authenticated or not.


This role is used by Mediasite to control access to the server data files when using HTTP or HTTPS as the storage protocol.


When a user logs into Management Portal and adds a new presentation or system component that user is the owner of the item created. By default, the Owner has read and write permissions for this item. Unlike the other roles, the Owner role is not static. Instead this role assumes the identity of the user who created the component. A system component’s owner can be changed by updating its security properties.


When a user creates a presentation, the user is its creator and owner. When ownership of a presentation is changed, for example using the “copy to” feature this role is used by Mediasite to distinguish the user who originally created the presentation.


A Mediasite administrator is a user who manages Mediasite using Management Portal and System Manager. By default, MediasiteAdministrators role has full access to all resources and operations in both applications. MediasiteAdministrators is also a group in Mediasite directory. The built-in user MediasiteAdmin, created during installation, is a member of this group.


A Mediasite presenter is a user who creates presentations on Mediasite. By default, MediasitePresenters role is assigned access to resources and operations in Management Portal that are typical for presenters—adding presentations, folders, and Players, and so forth. MediasitePresenters is also a group in Mediasite directory.


Note: You can give any user in Mediasite Directory the same permissions as MediasiteAdministrators and MediasitePresenters roles by adding the user to the corresponding group. The user inherits the permissions of the built-in role. You can also copy these roles permissions to another role or profile.