Showcase allows you to share presentations by email. Included in the email are the presentation details and a link your audience can use to watch the presentation in Mediasite Player.
When sending email, you have the option of using your preferred email application. Click Use Preferred Client and the email application on your computer will launch with the presentation’s details and link. You can also include an iCalendar attachment with the email so the email recipients can add the presentations to their calendars.
To share a presentation:
1. Navigate to the presentation’s page and click Share. The Share Video form appears. Optionally, seek to a specific time in the presentation to share at that time stamp.
2. Update the fields as needed. Make sure to separate email addresses with a semicolon. When updating the content in the Message field, make sure you DO NOT delete the Watch Now link, which is the link your audience will click to watch the shared presentation.
3. Click Send Email.
Share a presentation
Showcases have varying
configurations and themes so sharing presentations may not be available on your