Getting started

Software version: Mediasite 7.6

Mediasite Showcase is a searchable online video library that allows you to navigate through presentations and channels (a collection of related presentations) as well as create playlists. In some presentations, you can also add annotations and comment on annotations made by others.


For the best Mediasite experience, we recommend your computer or mobile device meets the requirements listed below.

Computer or Mobile Device


Microsoft Windows

      Windows 10

      Firefox, Google Chrome, or Microsoft Edge

      Broadband Internet or Wi-Fi connection

Apple MacOS

      Apple MacOS Mojave (version 10.14) and later

      Apple Safari, Firefox, or Google Chrome

      Broadband Internet or Wi-Fi connection

Apple iPadOS

      Apple iPadOS 13 and later

      Apple Mobile Safari

      Wi-Fi or cellular data connection

Apple iOS

      Apple iOS 13 and later

      Apple Mobile Safari

      Wi-Fi or cellular data connection

Google Android

      Android 9 or later

      Chrome browser

      Wi-Fi or cellular data connection

View compliance policy

If your organization has provided a compliance policy, you will find a link to it in the showcase’s footer. Click Compliance Policy to view your organization's policy



Notes contain information that is important enough to be distinguished from the main text. While reading this document, you will encounter the following notes:




Notes with this symbol provide tips that will help you further understand or use the feature being discussed.

Notes with this symbol include cross-references to resources that will provide additional information and / or instructions.

Notes with this symbol provide information and warnings that will help you to avoid losing content or breaking your system.


Other conventions

Greater than signs (>) indicate successive choices. For example: Click Projects > New Project indicates that you will click the Projects menu item and select New Project from the resulting drop-down list.