Schedule “Remove Adaptive Bitrate” actions

Schedule actions to remove Adaptive Bitrate content from presentations to help manage storage space usage on Mediasite.  When this action is selected, all smooth streaming content will be completely removed. Once the system deletes the content, you cannot recover it from the Recycle Bin. This action will never remove the last content type so the presentation must also have MP4 content for this action to be processed.

To schedule actions to remove smooth streaming content from presentations:

1.  On the presentation’s properties, click Edit Details> Actions. Click Schedule new Action.

2.  Select Remove Adaptive Bitrate from the Action drop-down list.

3.  Specify when the action should be done:

      Relative from Upload Date: Select Upload from the Relative From drop-list to have the visibility update occur a certain amount of time after a presentation’s content uploads to Mediasite. Select the amount of time. is

      Relative from Last Viewed Date: Select Last View from the Relative From drop-list to have the visibility update occur a certain amount of time after a presentation was last viewed.

      On Exact Date: Select the Exact Date radio button if you want to update the presentation’s visibility on a certain day and use the calendar to select the date.

4.  Click Add. Make sure to click Save once you have finished your updates. 

Add “Remove adaptive bitrate” action