Considerations when submitting external publishing requests

Consider the following when submitting external publishing requests:

      Your Mediasite administrator configures the External Publishing Request workflow, creates YouTube publishing projects, and determines which users can submit and approve requests. If this feature is not available on your Mediasite, contact your Mediasite administrator for more information.

      Your presentation must be “Viewable” to submit an external publishing request. If you change your presentation to “Private” or reset its media while an external publishing request is pending, the request will be cancelled.

      If your system uses the Review-Edit-Approve workflow, the presentation must be in the approved state before you can submit an external publishing request for it.

      Channel managers can view presentations awaiting approval, even if the channel manager only has read permissions for the presentation.

      On systems with the External Publishing Request workflow enabled, you do not need access to vodcast or podcast features to submit external publishing requests.  

      Upon accepting your publishing request, your channel manager will select the presentation’s vodcast or podcast project and may update the title, description, and tags before making the presentation available on the external site.

      You will receive email notifications when your channel manager approves or rejects your requests. You will also receive notifications of other changes to your request once it is approved including when Mediasite has successfully published it to the external publishing site.