Publishing presentations to a publishing catalog

To publish a presentation to a publishing catalog:

1.  Navigate to the presentation you want and click Publish on its properties page.

2.  Select the catalog you want from the Catalogs drop-down list.

3.  If there is a terms and conditions agreement associated with this catalog, select the I acknowledge that I have read and agree to the above terms and conditions check box.

4.  From the Make available to drop-down list, select who you want to view the presentation:



Anyone who has access to the catalog

Only allow users with access to the catalog to watch the presentation.



      Allows both anonymous and authenticated users to watch the presentation. This option is only available if the catalog is accessible to everyone.

Logged-in Users

Only allow users logged into Mediasite to watch the presentation.


5.  Click Add to publish the presentation as a shortcut in the catalog. Click Save.

Publish presentation to publishing catalog (Publish tab)

    When you publish a presentation to a publishing catalog from the Publish tab, Mediasite adds it as a shortcut to the catalog. Before you can send a presentation to a Recycle Bin, you must remove it from any catalog containing it first.