Catalog characteristics

Below are characteristics that distinguish catalogs from other ways of aggregating content:

What are they?

Searchable, customizable online collections of Mediasite content, presented in a web page.




      Catalog sharing (links via email, embedding in website)

      Content downloads—portable presentations, podcasts (MP3), or video podcasts (MP4)

      RSS feed

      Presentation moderation

      Searchable collections can include a hierarchy or be flat. Custom catalogs support multi-level hierarchies.

What are they optimized for?

Embedding in Learning Management Systems


      Course catalogs

      Sharing a diverse mix of content aggregated manually from different folders.

Methods of aggregating content in them

      Automatically add presentations by linking to a Mediasite folder and optionally filtering on a search term

      Automatically add presentations using search terms

      Manually using a presentation’s Publish tab

      Manually using the Mediasite catalog application

Search features

Users can enter words or phrases in the search field and Mediasite will scan through the following items to locate presentations containing the specified terms:

      Indexed video (closed caption) and slide text

      Tags and presentation metadata, including custom fields


      When indexed video or slide text is included in a catalog’s search results, users can view presentations at the times when the search term is found.

      When searching within a catalog, search results show in the video preview format regardless of the original catalog layout.