Catalog aggregation options

When creating catalogs, there are four ways to aggregate content:

Aggregation option


Automatically by linking to a Mediasite folder and optionally filtering on a search term

Aggregate content in a catalog by linking it to a Mediasite folder. Catalogs with content added using this method are linked catalogs. All contents in the folder are visible in the linked catalog. In addition, all permissions assigned to the folder’s presentations and sub-folders carry over to the linked catalog. Linked catalogs allow you to use an existing folder structure to organize your content. Optionally specify a search term to populate the catalog with content in the folder that meet the search criteria.

Automatically by using a search term

Aggregate content in a catalog by automatically discovering presentations matching specific search criteria. Catalogs with content added using this method are search-based catalogs. When you create a search-based catalog, only presentations you have read and write permissions are included.

Manually using a presentation’s Publish tab

Aggregate content in a catalog by allowing users to add presentations to it using the Publish tab. Catalogs with content added using this method are publishing catalogs. You can optionally link terms and conditions to publishing catalogs. With this feature enabled, users must accept the terms and conditions before they can add a presentation to the catalog. Note: When users publish presentations to a publishing catalog, Mediasite adds them as shortcuts.

Manually using the Mediasite catalog application

Aggregate content in a catalog manually using its Content tab (edit mode). Catalogs with content added using this method are custom catalogs. Custom catalogs provide the most flexibility when organizing your presentations because you have full control over which presentations and folders are included. You can also optionally allow users to add content from a presentation’s Publish tab.