Adding showcase channels

Channels are searchable, online collections with presentations displayed as a flat list. After you create a showcase, you can add channels to it. Channels are unique to a showcase.

You will add content to a showcase by adding channels and aggregating content within them. There are three ways to aggregate content into channels: automatically by linking to a Mediasite folder, automatically by using a search term, and manually using a presentation’s Publish tab.


Add linked showcase channels

Aggregate content in a channel by linking it to a Mediasite folder. Showcase channels with content added using this method are linked channels. You can optionally filter the linked channel using a search term.

All presentations in the folder and its sub-folders are visible in the channel at the same level since channels are flat lists. In addition, all permissions assigned to presentations carry over to the channel.

To add a linked showcase channel:

1.  Click Publishing > Showcases and locate the showcase you want.

2.  On the showcase’s properties page, click Channels > Add New Channel and enter a name and description for the channel that will help you and other users identify it easily.

3.  Specify a Friendly Name for the channel to customize its URL. This value will replace the channel ID number in the URL. For example, if you give a channel “mychannel” as its friendly name, the URL uses this name instead of the channel ID:


URL using channel ID:

URL using friendly name:

4.  By default, the channel will be visible in the showcase. If you want to hide the channel while you add content, clear the Viewable in Showcase check box.

5.  To require users to register before they can view presentations in this channel, select the Use Showcase Registration check box.

6.  If you want the default sort order of videos when users browse the channel or when returned in search results to be different from those selected for the showcase, select them from the Browse Default Sort or Search Default Sort drop-down lists.

7.  From the Add content to this channel... drop-down list, select automatically by linking to a Mediasite folder.

8.  Click in the Link to Folder field to see a list of available folders or use the search feature. Click on a folder to select it.

9.  Click Save. Click the Edit tab on the channels properties page to add a thumbnail image for it. Click the Security tab to assign permissions to the channel.

Add a linked channel (add content automatically by linking to a Mediasite folder)


Add search-based showcase channels

Aggregate content in a channel by automatically discovering presentations matching specific search criteria. Channels with content added using this method are search-based channels. When you create a search-based channel, it will only include presentations you have read and write permissions on.

To add a search-based showcase channel:

1.  Click Publishing > Showcases and locate the showcase you want. On the showcase’s properties page, click Add New Channel and enter a name and description for the channel that will help you and other users identify it easily.

2.  Specify a Friendly Name for the channel to customize its URL. This value will replace the channel ID number in the URL. For example, if you give a channel “mychannel” as its friendly name, the URL uses this name instead of the channel ID:


URL using channel ID: ed968dc9872f456e93500b35872b334e21

URL using friendly name:

3.  By default, the channel will be visible in the showcase. If you want to hide the channel while you add content, clear the Viewable in Showcase check box.

4.  To require users to register before they can view presentations in this channel, select the Use Showcase Registration check box.

5.  If you want the default sort order of videos when users browse the channel or when returned in search results to be different from those selected for the showcase, select them from the Browse Default Sort or Search Default Sort drop-down lists.

6.  From the Add content to this channel...drop-down list, select automatically by using a search term.

7.  Specify the search term and select the check box next to the presentation metadata you want included in the search. For example, if you want to search only titles and tags, select the check box next to each of these items.

8.  Click Save. Click the Edit tab on the channels properties page to add a thumbnail image for it. Click the Security tab to assign permissions to the channel.

Add search-based channel (add content automatically by using a search term)


Add custom showcase channels

Aggregate content in a channel by allowing users to add presentations to it using the Publish tab. Channels with content added using this method are custom channels. Since this method allows multiple users to add content to the channel, you can optionally link terms and conditions to it. Users must accept the terms specified to publish content to the channel.

To add a custom showcase channel:

1.  Click Publishing > Showcases and locate the showcase you want. On the showcase’s properties page, click Channels > Add New Channel and enter a name and description for the channel that will help you and other users identify it easily.

2.  Specify a Friendly Name for the channel to customize its URL. This value will replace the channel ID number in the URL. For example, if you give a channel “mychannel” as its friendly name, the URL uses this name instead of the channel ID:


URL using channel ID: ed968dc9872f456e93500b35872b334e21


URL using friendly name: mychannel

3.  If you want the default sort order of videos when users browse the channel or when returned in search results to be different from those selected for the showcase, select them from the Browse Default Sort or Search Default Sort drop-down lists.

4.  By default, the channel will be visible in the showcase. If you want to hide the channel while you add content, clear the Viewable in Showcase check box.

5.  To require users to register before they can view presentations in this channel, select the Use Showcase Registration check box.

6.  (Optional) Click Add Terms & Conditions and select the terms and conditions agreement you want to associate with this catalog. Users must accept this agreement before they can publish to this catalog.

7.  From the Add content to this catalog… drop-down list, select manually by using a Presentation's Publish Tab.

8.   Click Save.

9.  Click the Edit tab on the channels properties page to add a thumbnail image for it. Click the Security tab to assign permissions to the channel.

Add custom channel (add content manually using a presentation's Publish Tab)


Considerations when deleting showcase channels

When deleting showcase channels, consider the following:

      If you send a showcase channel to the Recycle Bin but not the showcase it is included in, the channel appears in the Recycle Bin where you can permanently delete or restore it.

      Deleting a showcase also deletes its player and channels. However, only the showcase will appear in the Recycle Bin.

      Restoring a showcase will restore the showcase, player and all channels. Similarly, permanently deleting the showcase permanently removes the player and all channels.

      Sending a channel featured in the spotlight to the Recycle Bin will return the spotlight to displaying videos added manually. If you restore the channel, it is not automatically restored to the spotlight. You must re-select it.