Select site’s color theme

As part of My Mediasite application settings, you will select the site’s color theme. By default, My Mediasite uses the “My Mediasite theme” which contains accessibility enhancements.

To select the site’s color theme:

1.  Click Settings > Application Settings > My Mediasite.

2.  Select the theme you want to use from the Site Color Theme drop-down list:



Use Legacy Theme

Select this option to use the original 7.2 color theme. This option does not have any of the accessibility updates added in the latest release.

Use My Mediasite Theme

Select this option to use the latest color theme which has the latest accessibility updates.


3.  Select the Allow Users to Override Site Color Theme check box to display in My Mediasite and channels a setting that allows users to select the alternate theme.

4.  Click Save.


Select the site’s color theme